Feb 15, 2008

The Influence of Peter the Great

Peter the Great (1672-1725) caused a breakthrough in the development of Russian culture. His reign (1682-1725) directed his people's attention to the Western European countries which had flourished in technological development, science, literature and the arts. Even though Peter wasn't a great music lover, and valued it little besides its practical use, his efforts in opening up a flow of knowledge and skill from the West paved the way for his music-loving descendants on the throne, Tsaritsa Anna (reigned 1730-1740) and Tsaritsa Catherine II (reigned 1762-1796).
What Peter the Great seems to have been most concerned about was the great discrepancy between Western European civilization and Russia's. He traveled often to foreign places, met a lot of smart people like Sir Isaac Newton, and brought back well-educated teachers, scientists, and musicians to teach the people and bring them up to the level of the rest of the world.

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